We would love to hear it from you
We would like to invite you to browse this platform to get a better sense of the materials generated in the context of the project. Should you have any questions or if you have any feedback for the materials developed, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Philosophy
The transnational project EDUCATE aims at integrating cognitive activation (i.e., working with challenging tasks) and differentiation, aspiring to promote both aspects in teaching Mathematics. To this end, educational materials have been developed with the intention of supporting teachers in engaging all their students in challenging work, on the one hand, and scaffolding teacher educators in productively supporting teachers in doing so, on the other hand. We would like to invite you to implement these materials either individually or working in groups (e.g., in the context of video-club settings).
The main goal of the EDUCATE project was to develop materials for teachers and teacher educators and educate teachers so that they can promote excellence and equity in their teaching, by attending to both cognitive activation and differentiation.
After performing a needs-assessment analysis to identify pre- and in-service teachers’ needs, challenges and difficulties as they enact challenging tasks with all their students, through observing their teaching and conducting interviews (Phase 1), we produced materials intended to help teachers concurrently attend to cognitive activation and differentiation and to scaffold teacher educators in productively supporting teachers to engage all their students in challenging work (Phase 2). The project did not simply produce materials for either teacher educators or teachers, but it also EDUCATEd them to enact these materials in real classrooms by capitalizing on the approach of video-clubs to engage teachers in guided reflection around their practice as they use these materials (Phase 3). The final versions of the materials after they have been revised, based on our interactions with almost a hundred teachers have been uploaded to this platform (Phase 4). These are the materials you are invited to use!
The objectives of the EDUCATE project were:
- to identify the needs and challenges teachers face when seeking to engage ALL their students in cognitively activating work;
- to develop materials informed by these needs and challenges for supporting teachers in attending to both cognitive activation and differentiation;
- to develop materials for teacher educators to scaffold them in aiding teachers as they concurrently pursue the dual agenda of cognitive activation and differentiation;
- to educate teachers and teacher educators to use these materials in their work;
- to examine the potential of these materials and professional development through video clubs in improving instructional quality with respect to issues of cognitive activation and differentiation.
Contact us
The consortium of the European ERASMUS+ Project EDUCATE consists of seven organizations in four partner European countries. In particular, partners from four European countries, namely Cyprus, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, have worked closely together to develop, pilot test, and refine the professional development materials, as well as design a professional development process around them.
You could directly contact the local coordinators from each partner country:
Cyprus: cycharal@ucy.ac.cy
Greece: dpotari@math.uoa.gr
Ireland: sean.delaney@mie.ie
Portugal: jpponte@ie.ulisboa.pt